An Suirbhé:

Saoránacht Domhanda agus Fuinneamh


Rinneadh é i Mí Márta, 2017



Na Freagraí:

Bhí sé suimiúil féachaint ar cad a cheapann na daltaí faoi na modhanna chun leictreachas a ghiniúint.

It was interesting to compare what pupils thought regarding electricity generation.


Here's the evidence produced by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) for the years up to 2013:





As we can see from the data, use of oil a fuel for generating electricity has come to a complete stop.

Gas is still the most popular fuel for making electricity.

We are using more and more use of renewable energy.

In January 2015, 33% of our electricity was generated by wind turbines. (Up from 26% in 2013)

In the future, we might see a growing percentage of electricity generated by wave and tidal power.


Eolas Eile:

Feiceann daltaí sa scoil iad féin mar Éireannaigh ar dtús. Our Irish identity is important to us.

Tuigeann 75% de na páistí céard is Fair Trade. 75% of students have a good understanding of Fair Trade.

Bhí beagnach 90% de na daltaí thar lear! Nearly 90% of students have been abroad. Global Citizens aplenty!

Is í An Spáinn an tír ina raibh an méid is mó. Spain is the most popular destination.

D'íoc an scoil €502 ar ghás i rith Mí Eanáir! 17% were correct that we spent over €500 on heat in January.