A Thuismitheoirí, a Cháirde, ‘Beatha teanga í a labhairt!’ Lean ar aghaidh ag labhairt í!
Buíochas le gach duine-foireann, tuismitheoirí agus páistí as ucht bhúr dtacaíocht i rith na bliana. Thank you to all-staff, parents and pupils for your kindness and support during this school year. Pupils have made progress in subject areas, and have learnt from the opportunities, experiences, activities, etc. School reports are issued this week by e-mail for your attention-keep positive support for your child and keep realistic regarding progress in tests. Check NCCA website regarding interpretation of results. Well done to all. We look forward to pupils returning to school eager for learning on September 1, 2014, check website for calendar, etc. Thank you for your support- meetings, implementation of new school initiatives, school rules, attendances and help during school activities for our pupils.
Obair Scoile 2014: Teaching Panel is currently active…some staff allocations unknown at print date.
Uimhreacha scoile go maith, fáilte roimh oide sa bhreis MF 2014, dhá rang Naí Bheaga.
Intake numbers are positive, we welcome our new teacher in September.
Rang meascaithe de R1/R2 ag dul ar aghaidh go maith-GRMA gach duine.
Mixed class R1/R2 arrangement is working well.
Parents work on this is required for successful swimming for 2014/15: Ranganna Snámha do R2-R6 for 7 (30 min. classes) on Mondays beginning 8/9/14. Bring children transferring into R2 to the Castlebar Swimming Pool during holidays, so that they are familiar with the changing area! (long hair in ponytail).
Athbhreithniú: Polasaí NUA Frith-Bhulaíochta don scoil uilig ar siúl sa scoil.
Annual Review of New Anti-Bullying Care Credit Programme for the Whole School.
Plean 3 bhliana na Mata-Lean ar aghaidh le na Mataí phraictiúil, cluichí ar suíomh idirlíona na scoile, Scratch, agus tús le Mathletics do R6 2014. Three year Mathematics plan- we will continue with practical mathematics, games on the school website, Scratch Programme and R6 2014 begin new online Mathletics programme with school and home access.
Coiste na dTuisti-oíche amach, ardú airgead don scoil-oíche mhaith!
‘Oíche Amach Garbo’s fund-raiser for school-great night of dancing!
Plean do Shláinte agus Sábháilteacht dár carr chlóis scoile. *Féach ar Phlean, agus cur bhúr dtuairimí ar aghaidh ar e-poist chugam le bhúr dtoil.
Plan for Health and Safety for school car-park users. *Please see new plan for your information. All of your suggestions are welcome on/before 26/06/14.
Plean do Pháirc Nua do Chaisleán an Bharraigh le sconscaí le bheith críochnaithe i rith laethanta saoire an tsamhraidh. Plan for Castlebar New Town Park with school perimeter fencing to reach fruition during school holidays 2014.
Plean le cuí a chur ar na seomraí réamh-dhéanta. Peintéirí le teacht i rith an tSamhraidh tríd Scéim Soisialta. Exterior Improvement Plan for prefabs during holidays. Painters promised to help out from the Social Schemes.
Fleadh Cheoil Chonnachta- 6 competitions in Scoil Raifteirí and many more in Davitt College for the Saturday-children and Sunday-adults on July, 5 and 6th. Come out and support our vibrant and talented provincial competitors. Irish music lifts us up, bain taithneamh as!
Foireann Scoile/School Staff: Deá-ghuí agus ár mBeannachtaí le Múinteoir Michelle agus le Cuan atá ag súil le leanbh ón scoil uilig. 1000B for all you do for páistí R3 Michelle. Special thanks to all who have worked with us this year: Melanie Joyce-cleaner, Laura Uí Mháille-rúnaí, John McGovern-caretaking, Múinteoir Rachel Ní Dheirg. It is with sadness for our school community that changes are taking place for next year. We wish Múinteoir Conall Ó Domhnaill the best of luck on this happy occasion for himself, Orla, Deirdre, Tríona agus Siún on reaching his retirement. Sláinte mhaith agus ádh mhór do na blianta le teacht. Ár mBeannachtaí agus ár mbuío! chas le Conall as ucht 20 bliain de seirbhís iontach a thug sé do pháistí, tuistí, foireann agus Bord Bainístíochta na scoile. ‘Ní neart go cur le chéile!’ ‘Slán le Conall’will take place in halla na scoile at 10am on 26/06/14 le comhrá, ceol, craic, cupán tae agus cáca-fáilte to everyone, parents are asked to use park and stride, so that spaces are available for invited guests on this special day. Half-day for pupils, dismissed at 12 noon.
Imeachtaí/Events 2012/2013: We do our best to ensure that ability and talent of all pupils is recognized and nurtured. Should any activity be overlooked here below, I would be hopeful that it has been acknowledged in class/school. Seo cuid de na imeachtaí a tharla i rith na bliana sa scoil/buíochas le gach duine bainteach, páistí, múinteoirí, tuistí : Ní neart go cur le chéile!
**Lá gan Sainéide Scoile/Non Uniform day Tuesday 24th €2 proceeds to GeraldineTrust
Coirmceoil agus Aonach na Nollag RNB-R6 sa GMIT; Seachtain Cúraim-09-13/6/14 do ghach rang; ‘FÍS’ R6 sa Helix; Lá na hEolaíochta RNB-R6; Paráid R2-R6-17/3/13; Comaoineach/Céad Fhaoistinn/Do this in Memory/Walk in my Presence-Tuistí na scoile. Buíochas le Múinteoir Pádraig agus Nóirín R2, Cór agus Grúpa Cheoil na scoile R3-R6-le Gearóid, Conall, Pádraig agus Aifreann na Scoile. Ceardlann Drámaíochta le Branar le R3 agus R4. Cuairt go Loch Lannach chuig an Phéistlann le Michelle agus R3. ‘Díolacháin na gCácaí’ R5 €500 bailíthe do Geraldine Lavelle Trust. Rang 2 airgead ó na páistí R2 a rinne Comaoineach Naofa: €200 Lavelle Fund; €200 Rock Rose House! , €170 Unicef; Bealach Glas-R5/R6
Comórtaisí-Ghlac páistí páirt ghníomhach i ngach cinéal comórtas-coinnigh suas é!
Scór 2014 Paidí R6- Canadh; Tráth na gCeist, Fléadh Cheoil Mhaigh Eo-Comhrá i nGaeilge-níor eirigh linn i mblaina, ach leanaimís ar aghaidh ag cleachtadh comhrá le chéile, Ceoltóirí agus Amhránaí scoile; Fleadh na nÓg-maith an obair a pháistí! Seachtain na Gaeilge-atmasféar maith/Féile Scoildramaíochta Áitiúil Scoil Raifteirí- Rang 3 Michelle ar an ardán /Féile Chúige SN Sailearna “An Nathair agus na Spéaclaí” Páirteachas Scoile:Tidy-Towns-Schools/Comhairle Chreidmheasa/Texaco Postaeirí Ealíne, Leabharlann, Dathú, Ealín-Halla an Línéadaig- Mr. Foley R1/R2; Bláth R3/R4 agus go leor ceardlann eal&! iacute;ne agus rl., Cluichí-corr, iománaíocht-cuidiú ó Eamonn, Darragh, peil Ghaelach- Stephen-bua ag cailíní craobh an chontae RoinnB; d’eirigh le na buachaillí cluiche leath-cheannais an chontae a shroichint Roinn B, Bhuaidh an dá fhoireann Blitz i mBreachmhaigh; saccar 5 cluiche ann, d’eirigh le R6 sa chéad ceann i Milebush, gailf R6, dornálaíocht, blitz rugbaíR6, blitz eitpheile R6, rothaíocht R6-buaiteoirí an chomórtais 2014, fichill, damhsa, damhsa sean-nós, ceilí, snámh, lúthchléasaíocht-buíochas le Pádraig,Gearóid, Conall agus Michelle, don traenáil bhreise. Cuairt chuig Musaem Thurlach Ceardlann Cluichí R1/2; Cluiche imeartha sa Chomórtas Peile na Gaeltachta; Turaisí Scoile na Ranganna, Athrothlú/Athchúrs&aacut! e;il/Taisteal ar Scoil/Bíthéagsúlacht/bos! caí agus síolta ag fás-agus le hobair do Saoranacht Domhanda Brat Glas 7, Suíomh Idirlíona Scoil Raifteirí, Clár OCG/RSE R6, Aifreann agus Bronnadh na bhFáinní R6, Páistí Rang 5/6 leis an athrothlú,cairde cuideachta na naíonáin, agus go leor eile………..
Fáilte to Naíonáin Nua/Welcome to New Infants 18/6/14:
Naíonáin Bheaga-Two Classes begin Sept. 01: (4/5bl.d’aois)…Rooms 1 and 2 with Múinteoirí Nóirín agus Niamh. The Junior Infant class will be dismissed at 12:00 noon for their first two weeks from Monday, September 1-12 inclusive. PLEASE-BE CAREFUL IN CAR-PARK AT PRIME TIMES AND KEEP CAR-PARK FREE FOR NEW INFANTS in SEPTEMBER! Classes R2-R6 are asked to park and stride!
Don Bhliain Romhainn/The School Year Ahead 2014/2015: Planning: One Year at a Time.
Clarú Scoile/School Enrolments: We wish to remind all parents to check that the brother/sister of currently enrolled pupils in our school are registered to start school on the correct year. Ensure that your child is on the list by letter providing all necessary information: name, address, school enrolment year, date of birth of child, etc. to oifig na scoile. We welcome our new pupils who have joined our school this year, and we wish our pupils who are leaving the area well in their new schools. New families moving into town who wish to be included on the enrolment list may do so by making an appointment.
Oideachas Speisialta/Special Education (Learning Support and Resource teachers) : This area has been cut by the Dept., we are lucky to have held both posts and retained services for this school year, and by doing so we have also retained Múinteoir Michelle’s post. Buíochas le Múinteoirí Máire agus Majella for their work with our pupils.
CARE IN CAR-PARK PLEASE for Drop-off/Pick-up!!!! and many thanks to everyone making great efforts with the park and stride. We are hoping to advance health and safety in the car-park as our priority 2013/14; and 2014/15, for which we will be fundraising, and appreciate your support in the interest of safety for all users. A huge thank you to all the people who manage to get their children to school without causing any traffic hold-ups at the entrance gates. Buíochas to Ranganna 1-6 who use Geata Siopa an Rothair, park and stride, bike/walk, gach maidin agus tráthnóna! All schools will be having WOW(Walk on Wednesday Initative) from September. Exercise care, caution if using school park area, as the safety of all our pupils is paramount. We highly commend people who use their feet instead of the car!
Buíochas: I wish to thank the parents and staff of the school, for their support and financial contributions towards our school fund-raising needs to date. I wish to acknowledge, and express my thanks to our Bord Bainístiochta and Coiste na dTuistí members for their hard work, time, effort and loyality to the school for our pupils. I wish to acknowledge proceeds from all fundraising activities including Coirmceoil agus Aonach na Nollag 2013/14, Old Clothes, Cácaí agus Sean Leabhair le buíochas le cách!
Ceól agus Damhsa: Buíochas do Nollaig Kilkenny agus Celine Monaghan don cheól, Bernaidín agus Louise Cresham, Caroline O’Malley, Liam Ó Scánláin don damhsa.
Culaith Reatha na Scoile:School Track suit is available at T-REX, Funsters-Industrial Estate and at Elvery’s. Parents may order during the school year, or may do so asap for Sept. All pupils must wear full school uniform/full track suit on all school days and on all school related activities, unless otherwise notified by the classteacher. The support of every parent is requested to ensure that the uniform rule is complied with by every pupil in the school. We ask all parents to buy at least two white polo shirts per child, two short-sleeved white shirts for the Infant Classes. Ensure that children have a supply of black tights or white socks. Coloured socks, coloured tights, coloured football jerseys are not allowed. Infant classes should wear shoes with Velcro. All items must be labeled clearly for easy identification, if mislaid. Long grey! trousers, grey tie+grey pinafore+royal blue cardigan+royal blue v-knecked jumper+white shirt must be worn. The school uniform is available in Prendergasts/Fahy’s, at Main St. Please buy all items a size or two bigger to allow for growth, thus making it is possible to get two years wear from uniform/track suit. It is the responsibility of parents, and as such are obliged to insist that their children are complying with the uniform rule at all times, that it fits properly, and that it is washed and worn with pride. Board of Management adopted this school uniform/track suit with the full support of parents of the school. Parents requested the uniform because it was cheaper, easier, neater, and appropriate dress code for our Gaelscoil pupils. Should items be mislaid/missing/lost it is the duty of parents to retrieve or replace them.It is wise to have extra items for emergency. Support staff.
Aifreann agus Bronnadh na bhFáinní Rang 6 18/6/14: Buíochas leis an tAthair Pádraig Ó Fearchair agus Liam Ó Scánláin don bhronnadh, Páistí Rang 6 ag ceól, canadh ag Gearóid as ucht eagrúcháin. Buíochas le tuismitheoirí as ucht ullmhúcháin, tae, agus bia a chur ar fáil ó 6:30 go 8:30pm. Go raibh maith agaibh, gach baill ar Choiste na Tuistí. Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil le Rang 6, agus le Múinteoirí as ucht an eagrúcháin, agus an obair, agus an cuidiú a thug sibh do na páistí beaga mar Cairde Cuideachta i rith na bliana.
R6As a parting gift to our school, we would appreciate any SR coats(Parade), or wearable track suits which would help out in 2014. Leave sixth classtext books to Múinteoir R6, if not passing them on!
Lá Spóirt: Lá Spóirt iontach. GRMA le gach duine.
Turas Scoile: Buíochas le gach rang as ucht an Ghaeilge a labhairt agus na beasaí a thaispeaint. Everyone wants to enjoy the school tour, and we are delighted to report that everyone followed the teachers instructions carefully in the interest of health and safety for all .Tá cáil bainte amach ag páistí SRmar gheall ar an deá-iompair, Coinnigh suas é!!!
Polasaí Nua na Leabhair Nua 2014: We ask that parents would follow lists as specified. Book lists in progress, watch out for second-hand books (in good condition) sales (Margaí!)in the classrooms on Tuesday 24/06/14, as arranged by the teachers. Agreed sale prices-in classes.
We ask parents to arrange the purchase of all School Books/Copies/etc. on Book List during the summer and safe return of all items required to teacher/classrooms by September 1, 2014. We ask parents to ensure that books and copies are covered and labeled with the pupils name in Irish, Class, name of book/copy,etc. Ní neart go cur le chéile! This should avoid bother during the rest of the school year.
Billí na Scoile/School Bills: Book grant for this year is cut to €11 per pupil. Forms available in oifig. We acknowledge and appreciate all your payments. Should problems arise regarding money payment and school bills, please make personal contact.
Teacsleabhar Scoil Raifteirí: Please return to the class teacher those very important school textbooks/Mayo Co. Library/SR library books which your child used this year. Every textbook should be returned in good condition, for pupils use for next year. We appreciate it very much when all outstanding books are returned.
Classes are distributed as follows/Ranganna Nua: (2014-2015)
Teaching Panel in operation-Some classes to be confirmed by text asap. in accordance with with rules and regulations for Primary Schools.
Naíonáin Bheaga (Páistí Nua): Múinteoir Nóirín Uí Dhonnchú….Seomra 1
Naíonáin Bheaga (Páistí Nua): Múinteoir Niamh Uí Raois….Seomra 2
Naíonáin Mhóra: Múinteoir Cristín Uí Giobúin ……Seomra 5
Rang 1: Múinteoir Nóirín De Búrca……Seomra 6
Rang 2/3: Múinteoir Pádraig Ó Héanaigh……………Seomra 8
Rang 3: Múinteoir Majella Ní Chonduibh……………Seomra 7
Rang 4: Múinteoir le deimhniú/TBC (Michelle Ní Reannacháin)………….Seomra 9
Rang 5: Múinteoir le deimhniú/TBC …………. ….Seomra 3
Rang 6: Múinteoir Gearóid Ó Marcaigh…….……Seomra 4
Múinteoir Achmhainne:… Múinteoir le deimhniú/TBC…..Seomra 10
Múinteoir Tacaíochta Foghlama:…Máire Uí Shúilleabháin….Seomra trasna ó 7+8
Míle buíochas le gach duine: Stiofán Ó Móráin agus baill an Bhoird; an Fhoireann teagaisc; Laura an Rúnaí Scoile; Melanie an glanaitheoir; Maria agus baill Choiste na dTuistí agus le Tuismitheoirí iomlán na scoile. Bíodh samhradh agus laethanta saoire sábháilte agaibh go léir. Tugaigí aire mhaith dá chéile!
Laethanta Saoire/Holidays: 26/6/14 at 12:00noon. Please arrange early collection of children. Reopening/Slán go dtí 8:50am ar an Luan 1/9/14.
School Times as follows: Naí. Bheaga Nua: 8:50-12:00nóin from 1/9/14 until 12/9/14.
Naí Mhóra 8:50-1:30pm; Rang 1-6 8:50-2:30pm.
Beir bua agus Beannacht,
Máire Treasa Uí Dhálaigh (Príomhoide).
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