Meitheamh 2019
13/06/19 ‘Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí!’ A Thuismitheoirí dhíl, Cuireadh Fáilte/Invitation for Parents: Céad Fáilte romhat isteach sa scoil to meet Múinteoir Máire on Friday 14.06. 2019 from 1-2:30pm to extend your best wishes to her as she looks forward to her retirement in September. In the event that car-parking spaces are taken up by invited guests attending from 11am, I am asking parents who are collecting their children at the 1:30pm and 2:30pm collection times to use Davitt College/Lidl/Aurivo Car Parking Spaces and to Park/Stride and Hold Hands Crossing for this special day. Your support is much appreciated. We are having a special ‘Lá Mháire’ day in our school for Máire & family, pupils, staff, Board, Coiste & invited guests. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered 11:00am-12:00, followed by a short presentation and celebration. Páistí-sainéide scoile tomorrow, except for footballers requiring track suits for Breaffy-Fay Lavin Cup and Shield Blitz. Timing arrangements have been put in place due to Health and Safety regulations. The care and welfare of all attending, and space restrictions leave no alternative options open to us at this time. Therefore, it is most important that timing and parking pick-up arrangements are strictly adhered to with safety first and best interest of everyone at heart. I wish to extend my best wishes to Múinteoir Máire, (Vice Principal/Class Teacher/Learning Support Teacher) on the occasion of her retirement beginning in September. I wish her happiness and all the best for the future. Múinteoir Máire is a valued and esteemed member of our staff since 1984. Máire is a born teacher who has nurtured and encouraged all of the pupils under her care to become confident learners and fluent speakers of the Irish language in a caring and natural learning school environment. She has given 35 years of service, and has shared her many wonderful gifts and talents with all of us. Go néirí go geal léi! Céad Lá Scoile do Pháistí Nua: New Infants have attended today in Classroom#6 with Múinteoir Audrey for their first day-13/06/19. Thursday (No uniform for first day). New Families meeting was held in the classroom with Múinteoir Audrey and Máire Treasa on Wednesday 12/06/19. On the first day and beginning in September children are accompanied by a parent who may assemble around our new notice board area, where you may speak/practice ‘cúpla focal’, and network with the parents and children. Children assemble at the front door as a group and they proceed through the main right door entrance when the school bell rings at 8.50am. Parents may accompany the children to the class for the first week. From the second week on the children will be happy to go themselves unaccompanied-develops their early independence. As discussed at our meeting, children flourish by good example of the adults in their lives with set boundaries, structure and consistency at home and at school. We all need to be on the same page. We need to work together to make ‘school days, happy days’. It is important that children come to school calm, cool and collected. We need to work together for child to learn turn taking-eg. Now it is my turn-Then it is your turn (whilst playing a game eg. Board/Card Games: Snakes and Ladders; Memory Match; etc. During the summer a few minutes every so often will help your child to practice holding and using crayons for pre-writing, scribbling to develop children’s hold and grip. Children may not race, run, jump, or play ball at school assembly or dismissal times. Children are asked to assemble in an orderly fashion at the entrance doors until the bell rings, and are dismissed in a similar way, as the class teacher keeps a watch that all are collected. We use the ‘Ryan Air’ líne, one at a time orderly file system through the door to enter the school and to leave the school. Discuss with your child that we are NOT ALLOWED and may not touch another child whilst in líne, we keep our hands to ourselves. As discussed from the out-set we invite parents to become school partners teaching and guiding children to learn and show respect, take ownership for their behaviours, have a positive attitude, to become responsible and to take school safety seriously. Eg. ‘We keep our hands and our feet to ourselves’, so that we learn to get along with all our class
mates. The Junior Infant class will be dismissed at 12:00 noon for their first two weeks from Friday September 02-September 13 inclusive. Children will be collected at the front door daily under the supervision of their teacher. Parents are required to be honest with their children about drop-off and collection arrangements, to avoid unnecessary upset for the child. Parents are required to follow protocol regarding all school matters. As discussed at the meeting the children are required to speak as much Irish as they know from the outset, to be mannerly, wear labelled school clothes/short sleeved shirt/Velcro shoes, practice healthy (NUT FREE ZONE)eating and drinking habits using school lunch box, practice-putting on/off jacket/good hygiene toileting/hand washing-useful skills for the children to practice at home, and it is most important that parents teach and pass on these necessary life skills to their children, our newest pupils. Parents are asked to make any Speech and Language reports or any other reports/concerns known to Múinteoir Audrey to support child’s learning asap. Early intervention, parental input, and co-operation with staff is vital to support pupil progress. We work together,in the best interest of your child. ‘Gaeilge le chéile’, ‘ní neart go cur le chéile’! SAFETY FIRST IN CAR-PARK AT PRIME TIMES-PARENTS NEED TO MODEL SAFE PRACTICES ALWAYS-WALK ON NEW CONCRETE PATH-FOLLOW YELLOW MARKINGS ON CAR-PARK, FOR SAFETY SAKE HOLD CHILDREN’S HANDS-LIMITED CAR-PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE FOR NEW INFANTS/NAÍONRA. MAKE SURE YOU TELL ALL DRIVERS COLLECTING/DROPPING-OFF THAT THE CAR MUST BE IN GEAR AND THE HANDBREAK IS PULLED WHEN PARKING IN SCHOOL CAR-PARKING AREA. WE WISH TO AVOID CHILD INJURY/FATALITY. Campa Samhraidh do pháistí bunscoile sa scoil ar an 01-05/07/19: 10-2pm gach lá. €40 per pupil for the week. Enrolment forms by e-mail/available in oifig na scoile. 10-2pm gach lá. Summer Camp through Irish for primary school children. Tuairiscí Scoile na bpáistí eisithe agus curtha abhaile sa mhála scoile. Iarrann foireann na scoile ar thuistí a bheith dearfach and réadúil mar gheall ar na toraidh. Féach ar suíomh idirlíona chun dul i dtaithí ar an mhiniú atá le na scóranna. Maith an obair! Check your child’s mála scoile for your child’s School Report. Staff are asking parents to be positive and realistic regarding test results. Check NCCA website regarding interpretation of Sten score results. Well done! As always, thank you, a thuistí for supporting the teaching and learning taking place here at Scoil Raifteirí by our wonderful staff. Keep up to date with all the school news by viewing the school web-site. Check out all the marvellous work that has taken place this past year. ‘Beatha an teanga í a labhairt!’-language lives when it is spoken-everyday-naturally. As you prepare for a nice summer break, please celebrate in the joy of the wonderful progress our Gaelscoil pupils have made because of our school teachers and staff, parental interest and support, and pupils’ hard work and participation during the year. For some children and parents there may be progress made, and for others there will be much more learning to do which all adds to the excitement of life learning. ‘You can be anything you want to be!’ needs lots of practice, time, patience, effort, sometimes laughter, sweat and maybe tears-that’s life! Learning to share, learning to care, learning to turn-take can be painful for children who have not had this experience from the toddler stage. These important people skills need to be taught, nurtured, supported by all the adults working and living lives with young children. It is valuable worthwhile work in progress. Time, talk, practice and patience makes life easy! SSE/FMS: Cúntas agus Plean na Gaeilge, buíochas to parents for your feedback for the surveys. Children, parents and staff all reported positively regarding our Irish language. The feed-back is available to view on the website. DES Child Protection Policy Review, Reviews in SPHE; Eolaíocht; GDPR policy, New Primary Language Curriculum NB/NM, The New Model in Special Education for another two year duration, Regulation station Breaks, Reading Recovery Programme, Lift-Off to Literacy, TSI Programme R5; standardised tests, class tests. Report cards and Book Lists to be distributed as soon as possible, next week. Make Yard Possible for Clós na Scoile-ár mbuíochas le na tuistí a d’oibrigh go dian dícheallach i rith na bliana seo-6/5/19;18+19/05!! Fresh Film entries and two certs presented to Rang6 for ‘Science and Me at Scoil Raifteirí’, and ‘Bike Trip!’. €1,000 gruaite ag R6 don RSA-Sábháilteacht ar na Rothair-ceamra nua don scoil faighte, and Rang 6’s fantastic newly published book entitled ‘Viaggo in Italia’ agus ; Second Hand Books/Uniforms, Non-uniform Day, R5/6 Bake Sale, R5 Credit Union Quiz, Flashmob R5-airgead chuig Mayo Roscommon Hospice; R2 Nóirín agus a thuistí a thaistil go Muilinn Cearr le páirt a ghlacadh i Craobh na hÉireann sa Féile Scoildhrámaíochta leis ‘An Gharbhán’. Great strides made in Gaelic football, soccer, hurling games during the year. Foireann na Cailíní a bhuaidh Mini-Sevens;Blitz Soccer through to Mayo final; Rubgy Blitz; Craobh an Chontae Peil Ghaeach an tseachtain seo chaite-comhghairdeachas le na cailíní and to all of the many school successes achieved this year, whilst also formally planning for 2019/20. New SR Calendar to issue in the next week, with holidays are as agreed by Dept. Important Information to share for September 2019: Enrolment Numbers: Intake numbers for this September’s Junior Infant class are good for 2019/20 school year we look forward to 5 classes (NB; NM; R1 R4; R4)in the lower to middle twenties. This is great pupil teacher ratio for the pupils and is to be welcomed. However, to maintain our staff quota at the current level we will require another few pupils for this school year who are interested and willing to join our school community to become confident bilingual learners in our Gaelscoil. Gaeilge is a wonderful head start and gift for parents to give their children for their future. As always we appreciate your recommendations to prospective parents. Current Staff: 9 classroom teachers, three fulltime posts in Special Education, one shared full time post in Special Education with St. Aidan’s NS (14 days-2019/20), one Inclusion Support Assistant-Cúntóir Ranga Clár who works infant day hours. Our enrolment numbers provide grant money that provides the services of our school secretary (4 days weekly); our school caretaker (20 hours weekly) and our school cleaner (10 hours weekly). On the school campus there are the services of Naíonra Tír na nÓg provided by an excellent staff from 8:50-12:00, and after school ‘Sibling Hour’ from 1:30-2:30 during the school year. This year there is the additional service of Club Bricfeasta from 7:45-8:45am. We are working on Club Tar Éis Scoile/After School Club and will keep you informed of any developments. Thank you for feedback to the Naíonra’s recent survey. These services are required by parents of registered pupils in SR. Clean up of the River area and the New Town Park completed on May 10, buíochas to all involved, Múinteoir Gearóid, Michelle, Foireann GMIT, Cairde, Tidy Towns, CoCouncil and comhghairdeachas to all who participated in The Green Flag initiative-Brat Glas 8-Timpeallacht na Mara gruaite ag an scoil. Comhghairdeachas to Coiste an Bhrataigh Ghlais. Road Safety: Road works, safe walk way, flashing lights TBC on Springfield Road. Planned works TBC pending funding from government. These works are urgently needed in this busy area where huge population for five schools require safe crossing access during peak/term times. Fencing at the rear of the site to be secured. Planning approved for permanent Naíonra. Awaiting funding for permanent Naíonra structure build TBC. Application €50,000 grant TBA. Working on Summer Works Application 2019-Repair and securing of internal suspended roof tiles without the dangerous steel bars as attached to tile presently in school hall, repair of velux roof windows with correct flashings to stop leaks during heavy and prolonged rain, explore the feasibility of moss removal on the roof without any damage to the wafer thin rubber sheeting of membrane that was used to fix the problem caused by poor building design which presented with on-going leaks from 1998 solved in 2002. Fixing of Suspended School Hall Ceiling Tiles and Secure and safe storage of physical education equipment. *Pupils, children, second level students are not allowed to play ball in the hall without adult/staff supervision to avoid tiles/steel bars being moved to prevent injury to any person in hall. *Fire Extinguishers may not be touched or pin tampered with as this is a criminal offence. Fire Extinguishers are provided in school as required by law to extinguish fire. Fire Extinguishers may not be removed or taken away from the brackets nor may they be stolen/borrowed. Should any person see an extinguisher being removed, this incident must be reported immediately to authorities to deal with this offence. Clarú Scoile/School Registration: I ask that you inform Prospective Parents wishing to give their children the gift of Gaeilge that our intake lists are open and spaces are available and people may contact the school directly by phone/by e-mail up to Tuesday 25/06/19 and resumes from Wednesday AUGUST 28 for all enquiries, information, registration etc. Ensure that you present all required documents as listed so that your child may be placed on the intake list. Check that the brother/sister of enrolled pupils in our school is registered to start school on the correct year. Requirements: name, address, school enrolment year, date of birth of child, Copy of Birth Cert, PPS number, Speech and Language/Psychological/Occupational/Other relevant reports required by SENO from HSE psychologist stating diagnosis and recommendations that a SNA is required to support child’s assessed needs which is required as part of the documentation to make application to SENO at the NCSE office for SNA etc. for the year your child will be coming to school, if needed. NEW ENTRANTS: Parents need to ensure all required documents are forwarded for my attention in the school office as soon as possible, in order to proceed with the long drawn out process of provision of SNA to support the needs of our new entrants. Children transferring from a pre-school who have a leader and support worker supporting them in a room with 14 pupils will naturally be overwhelmed when joining a class of twenty five or more children and one class teacher. This is a situation that need not happen for new young pupils. Streamlining necessary support for new pupils requiring same should be automatic and transparent to provide them with the supports they need to get the best start possible into ‘big school’, if the system is serious about inclusion. We warmly welcome all new pupils and parents who have joined our school this year, and we wish our R6 pupils and their parents the best in the future. R6 have tried their best to complete their Gaelscoil primary education with the guidance of parents and our experienced staff. This class and their parents are to be commended and acknowledged for their special support to our school. Go on to keep in that higher order class of your own! Much appreciated. We appreciate your work, effort, achievements, talent and contributions to our many school gatherings since 2011! Go néirí libh! Thank you to Coiste na dTuistí, Claire, Johanna and Maria for organising a very successful Quiz An Aoine 17/05/19 Friday night social night and the fund-raising initiatives during the year. Thank you for supporting all of us, parents, pupils and staff. Turas Scoile na Ranganna: Maith an obair le na páistí as ucht rialacha na scoile a leanacht, as ucht an Ghaeilge a labhairt agus na beasaí a thaispeaint. Tá cáil bainte amach ag páistí SR mar gheall ar an deá-iompair. Our school staff are proud of our pupils that behave well on school outings. Long may that great tradition continue! Coinnigh suas é! Classes/Ranganna Nua (2019/2020) are allocated as follows: One class room teacher may be subject to change to SEN depending on recruitment procedures that will be followed of one fixed term post TBC. Naíonáin Bheaga (Páistí Nua): Múinteoir Audrey Ní Fhearghail .Seomra 6. Naíonáin Mhóra: Múinteoir Sinéad Ní Dhálaigh ……Seomra 1. Rang 1: Múinteoir Nóirín De Búrca……Seomra 7. Rang 2: Múinteoir Nóirín Uí Dhonnchú……Seomra 2. Rang 3: Múinteoir Pádraig Ó Héanaigh………….Seomra 9. (Rang 2 Nóirin) Rang 4: Múinteoir Cristín Uí Giobúin....Seomra 5. (Rang 3 Máire). Rang 4: Múinteoir Máire Ní Dhuibhghiolla……………Seomra 10.(Rang 3 Audrey) Rang 5: Múinteoir Michelle…………..….Seomra 3. Rang 6: Múinteoir Gearóid Ó Marcaigh…….……Seomra 4. Foireann Oideachais Speisialta/Special Education Team: Múinteoir Tacaíochta Foghlama/Acmhainní:…Niamh Uí Raois Múinteoir Tacaíochta Foghlama/Acmhainní:… Múinteoir Majella Ní Chonduibh Múinteoir Tacaíocht Foghlama/Acmhainní/Post Roinnte 14 lá Coillte Mach: TBC.
Sainéide agus Culaith Reatha na Scoile:School Uniform/Track suit is available at Prendergasts/Fahy’s Main St. Parents may order during the school year, or may do so asap for Sept. All pupils must wear full school uniform(3 days) /full track suit (2 days) on all school days and on all school related activities, unless otherwise notified by the class teacher. The support of every parent is requested to ensure that the uniform rule is complied with by every pupil in the school. We ask all parents to buy at least two white polo shirts per child, two short-sleeved white shirts for the Infant Classes. Ensure that children have a supply of black tights or white socks. Coloured socks, coloured tights, coloured football jerseys are not allowed. Infant classes should wear shoes with Velcro/no laces and short sleeved white shirts/no buttons. All items must be labelled clearly for easy identification, if mislaid. Long grey trousers, grey tie+grey pinafore+royal blue cardigan+royal blue v-knecked jumper+white shirt must be worn. Please buy all items a size or two bigger to allow for growth, thus making it is possible to get two years wear from uniform/track suit. It is the responsibility of parents, and as such are obliged to insist that their children are complying with the uniform rule at all times, that it fits properly, and that it is washed and worn with pride. Board of Management adopted this school uniform/track suit with the full support of parents of the school. Parents requested the uniform because it was cheaper, easier, neater, and appropriate dress code for our Gaelscoil pupils. Should items be mislaid/missing/lost it is the duty of the pupil/parent to retrieve or replace them. It is wise to have extra items for emergency. Support staff and Label the items to identify. Blás na hoibre 2018/19 le buíochas do chách atá ag obair linn: Míle Buíochas for: our hardworking members of Board, Staff, Coiste, Parents and pupils who are loyal to Gaeilge and to Scoil Raifteirí, making our Gaelscoil a wonderful, happy and natural learning environment for all of our pupils. All efforts are appreciated, everyone counts! Special thank you and grateful appreciation for work well done to Laura Uí Mháille, Rúnaí ; Melanie Joyce, Cleaner; Chris Cooney, Caretaker. Special Educational Needs Teaching Team: Máire Uí Shúilleabháin, Deputy Principal, Niamh Uí Raois, Majella Ní Chonduibh, Clár Sangare, Cúntóir Ranga. Programmes : New TSI Scheme: R5; ‘Station Regulation Programme’, ‘Reading Recovery’, ‘Lift-off to Literacy’; Speech and Language programmes; ‘Friend’s for Life’; ‘Weaving Weaves of Well-Being’; ‘Lexia’; Shared Reading Initative; ‘Léitheoireacht Roinnte’; ‘Scratch Programme’. Coiste na dTuistí members for work undertaken for the benefit of our school pupils, and parents supporting all their plans and efforts-thank you. 1000B to Coiste na dTuistí, parents and staff for your support and contributions towards SR fundraisers. Funds raised this year amounted to @€4,600 plus proceeds from Second Hand Sale and Non-Uniform Day. Provided for Pupils/Staff: Make Playground Possible Scheme/Notice Board/Buddy Benches; Ní neart go cur le chéile! There is strength when people are united. Coirmcheoil agus Aonach na Nollag GMIT 06/12/18 Whole school involved in annual seasonal fundraiser. (Foireann, Páistí, Coiste agus Tuistí na scoile). Ár gcomhbhróin croí le Clann Uí Loinsigh agus Clann Uí Dubhlaoigh mar gheall ar bhás thobann Eilís, ar dhéis Dé go raibh a hanam dhílís. Féile Scoildrámaíochta SR an mhaith i mbliana; Féile Chúige i Sailearna: Rang 2 Nóirín ‘An Garbhán’ Rang 5 Michelle ‘An Rí Óg’ agus Rang 6 Gearóid ‘Peigín’. Brat Ghlas 8 Timpeallacht na Mara/Marine Flag 8 bronnta ar Kayla agus Joshua, R6 M. Michelle&Pádraig don scoil: Buíochas: Gearóid,Michelle, Pádraig, foireann, Coiste an Bhrataigh Ghlais as ucht na hoibre. TG4: Keep up with the Gaeilge over the holidays. If you know a native speaker, make a habit of using your Irish, it will make a massive difference to your fluency. You may write to the following website TG4 will send you free cd’s with songs that you can use in the car which will help young children to absorb the language in a fun way, develops language and increases fluency. RnaG is terrific station for Gaeilgeoirí and the Irish music lifts us up! Seachtain na Gaeilge-gach rang páirteach, seachtain iontach dearfach don scoil uilig. A fantastic positive and creative week enjoyed immensely by everyone. Seachtain le Spraoi! (Múinteoir Niamh Uí Raois agus Foireann na scoile). Comórtaisí: Well done to all pupils who have participated in the various competitions throughout the school year. Congrats to the prizewinners, comhghairdeachas le Críostóir R6 a bhuaidh an dara háit sa chomórtas litriúchain naisiúnta and coinnigh suas é to all the participants. (Múinteoir Cristín Uí Giobúin) Tráth na gCeist: Credit Union Quiz maith an obair gach duine, Rang 5. An Chéad Fhaoistinn: 21/03/18, An Chéad Chomaoineach R2 19/05/19, (Múinteoirí Nóirín Uí Dhonnchú agus an tAthair Conal Eustace, Cór agus Grúpa Cheoil na scoile: Múinteoirí Gearóid , Pádraig, Audrey, Sinéad) Airgead ó pháistí le buíochas: Children’s Ward, Castlebar and Jack and Jill Foundation. This kind gesture is much appreciated. Aifreann 7pm agus Bronnadh na bhFáinní R6 8pm Déardaoin 20/06/19 (Athair Conal Eustace, Múinteoir Gearóid, Coiste na dTuistí). Peer-To Peer TY Programme and ‘Net Team Programme’ for R6:Themes included friendship, peer pressure, standing up to the bullies, types of bullying, negative effects of alcohol and drugs on our health and families and lives. Practical themes were covered as well as children making a personal commitment to school work and healthy lifestyle. Each day let us remind our pupils to give good example by what we say, by what we do and to put all the learning from all school programmes and activities into practice. Events planned through this important year: Pioneer Essay Competition with recognition for all participants working on the essays;Mayo Mental Health Essay Competition winner. Féile na Leabhair TARA eagraithe ag Múinteoir Nóirín De Búrca Bealtaine. Relationship and Sexual Education Information Evenings for Adults 1/5/19 and R6 and Adults on 8/05/19 with Mr. Noel Kearney. Well attended, positive feed-back from staff, pupils and parents. Scór na bPáistí R6: Damhsa Foirne; Damhsa Seitt; Recitation; Amhrán; Grúpa Cheoil, agus ‘Peigín’ a ghlac páirt i gCraobh an Chontae i mBréachmhaigh. Coinnigh suas é! Lean ar aghaidh ag cleachtadh agus ag cur an Ghaeilge ar aghaidh gan stró! Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí! Encourage the young, and they will flourish. Maith an obair: to all our participants in Fleadh na nÓg-Davitt College on THURS 23/5. Ghlac cuid mhór páistí páirt sna comórtais, na dánta, amhráin, an fheadóg agus ‘An Gharbhán’ R2 ach go háirithe. Más fiú í, labhair í! Comhghairdeachas agus go néirí an tádh le na páistí atá ag dul ar aghaidh go Craobh Chonnacht sa bhFleadh-Maith na obair to all the ceoltóirí, Lucia agus Casie amhránaí Gaeilge; agus Feilim agus Lucia sa chomhrá i nGaeilge, coinnigh suas é! Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí! Maith an obair: Foireann Eitpheile for their efforts reaching the All Ireland Final of Spikeball. (Múinteoir Gearóid/Michelle TY’s ó Mheanscoil N Iosaef, TY’s ó Choláiste Dháibhéid). Maith an obair: Ranganna ICT/TFC sa Seomra Ríomhaireachta (M Gearóid, Foireann na Scoile agus Mic-Léinn ó Mheanscoil Ghearóid Naofa) Maith an obair: Foireann na mBuachaillí for reaching the final of the Mini-7’s Gaelic. (Múinteoir Pádraig, Gearóid, and St. Geralds TY Students). Foireann na gCailíní-Craobh an Chontae gruaite-Comhghairdeachas libh-an-obair ar fad-6/6/19. Comghairdeachas do bhuachaillí agus cailíní mar gheall ar pháirt a ghlacadh sa Chomórtas do Chorn agus Sciath Fay Lavin i mBreachmhaigh-Meitheamh 14, 2019. Maith an obair: Foireann na Buachaillí-(imirt sa Chluiche Cheannais) (Múinteoir Pádraig, Kevin O’Boyle, Hurling Trainer) Maith an obair: Well done NB-R4: Tuesday dancing classes/feiseanna damhsa. Well done a pháistí for all your achievements this year at the feiseanna. Míle buíochas le Louise, Bernadine, Thelma for all your hard work during the year. Piano Classes&Exams Celine Monaghan and Illia Marcev: Good news re. past pupils Clár Nic Éil, Isobel Ní Eosaigh, Ilia Marcev- to sit their Diploma exams. Good exam results achieved by students who are putting in the work. Well done! We are delighted to hear about your achievements.
Comhbhróin croí le to all our grieving families at this time. Ar dheis Dé go raibh anamacha na mairbh. Please continue to pray for those special intentions for people who are struggling with life challenges, illness and sadness due to loss of special people. Dia go deo libh. Buíochas Speisialta: Fiontán Ó Murchú (Cathaoirleach) agus baill an Bhoird; Máire agus an Fhoireann teagaisc; Laura an Rúnaí Scoile; Airítheoir Chris; Melanie an glanaitheoir; Claire agus baill Choiste na dTuistí agus le Tuismitheoirí iomlán na scoile. Eolas faoi Ranganna/Useful Information: Noel Kilkenny-Wednesday lunch time tin whistle/any instrument Irish music class continues for R2-R6. (Optional) Bernadine Cresham and Thelma dancing classes continue for NM-R4 on Wednesdays during school time. NB will begin after the Easter holidays. Payment is much appreciated- €2.50 per lesson, €5 per family. Scoil Reopens after holidays: Monday 02/09/19 ag 8:50am. See for 2019/20 closures and all school news items which will be posted. New Swimming Pool Classes R2-R6 Sept/Oct! Check it out during the summer. See policies, ‘dialann scoile’ points 1-24 for parental guidance and tips, school protocol regarding new pupil orientation into our Gaelscoil, healthy lunch policy and all other related policies for all pupils attending Scoil Raifteirí. This is useful information for parents, pupils and staff and is available should you wish to revisit at any time at your convenience. School Times as follows: Naí. Bheaga Nua/New Infants: 8:50-12:00nóin from 02/09/19 until 13/09/19. Naí Mhóra 8:50-1:30pm; Rang 1-6 8:50-2:30pm. Summer weather arrived early this year in May! June has been wet and wild so far. We look forward to nice weather early next week? Lá Spóirt TBC when weather is favourable. Bain taitneamh as an aimsir dheas! Let us be ready, grateful and enjoy! I wish you and your family happy carefree school holidays, and looking forward to seeing you return refreshed to Scoil Raifteirí on Monday September 2, 08:50. Bíodh samhradh slán sábháilte agus sona agaibh. Have a safe, happy and carefree summer. Beir Bua agus Beannacht, Máire Treasa Uí Dhálaigh (Príomhoide).